Sunday, July 26, 2015

Be a part

This weekend has been a really good one. Another busy weekend. In the town I go to church, Gilbert had there town festival. It was cool how our church was allowed to be a part of it. This weekend has made me very proud to be a part of Grace Bible Church. As church's we should be willing to be  a part of our community. The community will notice. They might even be amazed if your churches willingness to be a part of the community.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Romans Road

The Romans Road

for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

·         What is sin? Sin is missing the mark. Disobeying God’s Laws (Ten Commandments). If you have disobeyed one of God’s Law you are a Law breaker or a sinner.
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

·         This is the bad news. We all deserve spiritual death. Christ came to die in your place.
but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
·         This is the good news!
because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.
·         Ask Jesus to be your Savior and Lord! Tell God that you realize you are a sinner and ask Him to forgive you. Receive Christ as Savior today!
Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

·         When you ask Jesus into your life you are now a new creation. When we ask for forgiveness our sin is as the east is from the west. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Gone are the days of being a comfortable Christian

What is keeping us personally and as a church from revival? It comes down to one simple yet not so popular word, SIN. We have given in so much as Christians that we have watered down the gospel of Christ. It seems everything goes even as followers of Christ. I am as guilty as the next person.

I am so sensitive and want everyone to like me. In today's world it seems I have two choices, to be liked by the world or to follow what Jesus says and to proclaim His truth. After all Jesus said people will hate you since they have hated me. Wow, what a truth and one we seem to not hear qouted offten or at all at many churchs. This does not mean to be a jerk so people will hate you. No, it means if we stick to Jesus and the truth in the Word of God then people will not be as friednly to you.

Here is a silly example. Silly becuase it really is not that big of deal. The last few weeks I have been taking a stand against same sex marriage. I feel I have been dealing with it with grace, but still speaking the Truth. So people have been unfriending me. At first my feelings got hurt then I examined what I had been saying to make sure it was true and graceful. While feeling sorry for myself God put in my head that it's just Facebook and it's not a big deal. And if I stand for His Truth some folks will not like it. It was said last weekend that gone are the days of comfortable Christianity. So don't be mean on Facebook but take a stand!

As Americans we have become so sensitive and if you don't agree with me then you must hate me and I must hate you. That should not be so. We as Christians need to Stand with Jesus. If you share the truth in love than its not our responsibility on how people react. We are told to share the good news, we don't save people that's the Holy Spirits job!

So Christian let's read our Bibles, confess our sin to God and use our words to tell people about Jesus! Let's be united together in Christ and then see what Gid can and will do!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Hope for America comes through only one way!

We are in a political fever here in Iowa. Democrats and Republicans are flooding the state this weekend. All together there will be 15 candidates here this weekend. It might has always been this way, but there is an extreme difference between the two parties this time around. But like always the Republicans are pandering to the Evangelicals. I am sure the battle cry at the Family Leadership Summit will be let's change America. The Des Moines Register quoted:

" Spirituality will be at the heart of the GOP conference. Don't be surprised if you hear a lot about revival. Evangelical Christians and conservatives are increasingly realizing that solutions they seek to America's ills are not political, but spiritual." said Drew Zahn, communications director for the Family Leader. Heart Change, not policy change. Just winning elections isn't going to cut it. It will  take cultural transformation. 

As my title indicates I think this is a no duh. What we need here in America is another Great Awaking. First the Church needs a great revival through the Holy Spirit. To go back to the basics. Keeping the main thing the main thing which is Jesus Christ. We also need to hold up the Bible as the Word of God and truly do what it says. Watering down the gospel of Jesus Christ has done no good. Trying to look like the unsaved world while trying to save them through Jesus Christ has gotten lost through translation.

I am going to the Family Leadership Summit with much skepticism. My question is does the GOP candidates share the same view as Drew Zahn and myself? I would guess a few of them would, but what about the front runners that will be there? It is easy to agree to an agreeable crowd that America needs God. It's easy to say that we need to go back to the basics, but what happens after the fan fair leaves Ames? As Christianity becomes less and less popular in America how easy it might be to abandon this call of spirituality and revival.

The fact is that if you have not put your head in the sand you know that we are in a cultural war. It might have been a battle years ago, but today it is a war all round us. The question is what do I do as a Christian? Well, first of all let's be involved with the political process. We are American's and we need to be involved in the process by voting for a man or women who has our values. More important than that let's start acting like the person we represent. I am not talking about politicians, for they represent or should represent us. The person we represent is Jesus Christ.

What did Jesus do while being tempted by the devil in the dessert? He quoted scripture back to him after each time the devil challenged Him with out of context scriptures. So, we need to know scripture! We need to read and memorize scripture. The Bible is God's Word to us. We then need to pray. We see that Jesus prayed and he prayed often. This is not hard things to really do. But we have walked away from the basics. We have replaced the basics with colorful programs and busy work within the Church. If we as Christians want to gain ground it is not by our power at all. We need to cry out to the Lord in prayer asking Him that the Holy Spirit would do a great work. It is only by the Spirit that we can accomplish anything.

Yes we need a revival! And then we need a great awaking here in America!! Let's pray, read and watch what the Lord can do if we have willing hearts.

Note: I will be doing live podcast from the Family Leadership Summit all day on Saturday July 18th starting at around 9:45 am. You can listen at