Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Today I am o.k.....

Starting last Wednesday I seem to have turned a corner on my health. My depression seems to be at bay right now. Which is great. I am physically feeling a lit better. The iron infusions seem to be working and the B12 shots are working. I started physical therapy on Monday which is good and hard. This coming Tuesday I am getting to have a new and better tube placed in my stomach. I am feeling better right now then I have in months!
I have realized that I need to really focus on my recovery. It is easy as the big book says to rest on my laurels. I know when I let up on my recovery I am in trouble. If I was to get drunk I am no good to anyone.
Some might say I have become liberal or even that I abounded my faith which is not true. My faith is more than church attendance or what I do or don't do. I realize that I don't fit in the tradition fundamental box any more. I know some won't understand and that is o.k. I know that God still loves me.
There is more growing to come in my life. Today I am sober and today I realize that me, you and everyone else has value.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

On the radio with Muk

I will be on on Friday night at 8pm! A few ways to tune in, hope you can check it out.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Religious Abuse......

I am not trying to offend anyone here. Just some truth as I see it. If you don't agree that's o.k.

Christianity gets some bad press. And the sad part it's us Christians that give us a bad name. We fight among each other and we judge those that are outside of the Church. It's been said that the Church kills there own woumbed. That is a pretty sad thing to say about a religion that follows the teaching of a guy who did the complete opposite. When I was in college I had a boss at the college that always said, "the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing!" When I talk to friends of mine who are not Christians one of there main complaints is how mean and narrow minded we are. I listen to them and I hear the pain in there voice as they talk about the religious abuse that they have faced. Yes religious abuse. We might not be physically abusive as a group, but our words do cut deep into peoples lives. I would say that most Christians don't attend to harm someone, because they think they must give out the message they believe in no matter at what cost. I have seen other church's picket other church's. I was a part of a church that belived the same thing another church did, but our church did not want to picket or come out looking hateful. So since our pastor sent a letter to this church expressing that we need to love and asked them not to come up to our area and cause a scene of hate. So this other church picted us and they in my opinion were not acting Christ like.

In my life I have been on both sides. Before I started drinking I thought that I new everything when it came to God. You could say being a Pharisee or a total hypocrite! Once I started with my struggle with Alcoholism I pretty fast saw the other side. The total misunderstanding of what I was going through. And again, the pastors and church's thought they were doing the right thing. Some or many Christians in America feel that we need to change the world through politics. You can not legislate morality. But, it seems some try to do that and it does not all ways work.

So, we in my opinion have a problem. So what do we do. First we don't change the message we change the method. Christians can still stand on the truth of the word of God. But, I think we need to be reminded of a few things. Paul and James tells us not to judge the world. In the bible world a lot of times means non-Christians. We are not to judge them we are to love them. What did Jesus do? He loved those who did not know Him. He fed the poor, healed the sick and loved the sinner, the down and out. Who did Jesus condemn? Those who thought they were better than every body else. So we need to love and show grace to those outside of the church, not beat them up. We all so need to love people inside the church. It is a silly thought that as a Christian I am suppose to be perfect. Many times real life is messy. I, we all of us need to show more Grace.


Secound, we need to have a real understanding of church disapline. A great example of this is found in Paul's writtings in 1 and 2 Corinthians. In first Conithians he tells the church to deal with the sin that is among them. Cast him out. But then we see in 2 Corinthians that Paul says basically, O,k now is the time to restore this guy. He has repnted from his sin. The whole point of church displine is restoration of the christian that is in church disipline. Restroaction back to the church. I have been told it's only restoration back to Christ. But scriputre shows diffrent.


 Is it better to be right or is it better to love? Does it really matter if I read the King James version of the bible? If I disagree with you can't we still be friends? Some where Christians got this idea that if people disagree with us we can not be there friends. That sounds kind of dumb, but some believe so strongly on an issue that you must be wrong if you don't agree and then some wont even be your friend any more.


As Christians we are given GRACE, FREE grace at that. So let's show grace to others. We don't deserve the GRACE of God, but we sometimes act like we are god by not showing others grace. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 13 that the greatest thing is Love. Some of my good friends despise Christianity, but I still love them and still want to be there friends.


It's time that we stop playing church.

It's time to care about the poor and feed the poor.

It's time to love the suffering and love the sinner.

It's time to clothe the needy.

It's time to stop saying we act like Jesus and start acting like Jesus.


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A little humor

Peaches thoguht of the day 11-07-14:

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Crazy crazy day!

It seemed that I was feeling better. Wednesday and Thursday I thought I might be doing a lot better. Then  my health turned yesterday morning. Got supper light headed and ended up falling. I called my dad and he called 911 for me. They came very fast and were very helpful and understanding. Then when I got to the ER things went very bad. No answers and very bad care. When I left with no answers I called my regular doc in Boone and she wanted me to go to the Boone ER. I felt really dumb going to another ER. But it was worth it. They listened to me and did a few things that helped and hooked me up to a 48 hour heart monitor to see what is going on. Sometimes I feel like a hyper-conderact   with everything going on. And the hospital I went to first did not help with that thought. I totally acted like a fool at the ER going off on my nurse during discourage. I admit that. I really struggle with this hospital. I am finally speaking up for myself and have sent a compliant to the hospital.


Dealing with doctors and health care in general is very frustrating for me. It get's to the point some times that I feel like no one cares. And then I start thinking maybe all this stuff is in my head.