Monday, June 9, 2014

Walking, not just talking....

I have attempted to right in this a few times the last few days. It just seems that I don't have any great ideas to put down on this blog. Life sure has it's ups and downs these days. The Bible tells us to work out our salvation. That does not mean that we earn our salvation. But our relationship with Christ does take some work. I have been working on trying to be in God's word daily. Trying to listen to the Holy Spirit when He prompts me to do what is right. And that is not all ways very easy. After years of being saved I feel that I am still a babe in Christ most days. Sinning in ways that I know better. I am sure going through a molding period in Christ.

Doing the right thing in Christ is not all ways popular. I have learned that the last few days. When trying to obey the Word many people don't or wont understand why you are doing what you have chosen to do. If you want to be popular than you cant all ways do what God wants you to do that is for sure. But for me it is better to please God than any others.

For years I have lived a double life. Trying to serve God and living for the world. And that just does not work for me in my life. It's amazing to me that the people that you thought would be most supportive of these changes are not. Jesus tells us in His Word that following Him is not going to be easy and those who say it is are just either lying or not in reality. It has been easy to say I am a Christian, but living it is not all ways easy.

But it is better to fear God than man! To obey God than have riches! To die to self and live for Him! I say these things today as I am tired and don't FEEL all excited and energized about these truths. But I must not go by my Feelings but by what the Word of God says!

Keep walking......

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