Thursday, June 19, 2014

Jesus calms the storms....

For the Midwest this is a very stormy time of year. Tornados and Severe Thunderstorms have been hitting all over the place. And it has been raining and raining! As I was thinking about the storms and the one that hit where my kids live
 I started thinking about the storms in life. Some are big and some are small. And I had to ask myself this morning as I was walking the dog in the rain, do I trust that God can calm my storms? I know in my head that He can, but what about in my heart of hearts. Do I really believe that He can calm the storm and do so much more? I tend to focus on the hear and now and if life is hard I don't think it will ever get better.

We give the disciples are hard time when they did not trust in Jesus when He was right there. I am sure I would do the same thing. They had Jesus right in the boat one time when a storm hit. They like I would started to panic. Jesus was asleep. That bothered them and they woke Him up, He got up and calmed the storm. I an imagine Jesus shaking His head.

I am so guilty of not fully trusting in God. I like at my life and yell out I am sinking Jesus! If I start looking towards Him and not focus so much on what is going on in life I would be doing a lot better.

Today I am going to work on trusting in Him no matter what is going on in my life.

Keep walking.........

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