Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Trust in God no matter what

I have been in a deep depression for a few days. I am reading my bible, praying and reaching out to others and yet I am still depressed. I'm also struggling with being lonely. 
I use to react negatively when I was depressed by drinking or other sinful actions. I try to seek after my savior. Sometimes my depression last a few hours but it's but a long time it has lasted this long. It's easy to feed into it and focus on the negative. Instead of how far I have grown I start going back to the past, my past sins. 
Even in the bible guys struggled with depression just read the Psalms. David had to have struggled with it, but he kept pressing on. I think we forget sometimes that the men and women of the bible were just human like us. They served the same God we serve. 
God never changes we do. In my darkest days like today I need to remember that! I don't understand why I am going through all of this pain and suffering but God does! 
My prayer tonight is that I trust in God who knows all things. Trust in God who is in control and who loves me so very much! To keep on keeping on no matter what!

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