Saturday, November 30, 2013
What's a amazing about this trip is that my family wants me here! One of the gifts of the program. Its a house full of life and energy, to much for me some time. My mom and my brother and his wife and kids all live in the same house. They have seven kids from the ages 20 to 6. But it is a blessing to have time with all of them. From little Abby all ways saying, " My Uncle" to Hannah and I cracking up at something stupid I said or something funny we are talking about. I walked in the living room the other day and Jim had his gun apart and his bullets all over the floor. Theres no dull moment in the Eaches house up here in Alaska. What's really scary is simion who is 14 reminds me of myself when I was his age, poor kid.
There has been no rock throwing or condemning of me in this house since I have been here. Which they all probably could throw a rock or two at me for the things I have done in the past. Its a house full of love and acceptance. I have done amends to all the family members here that I have needed to do. And they have accepted me and loved me.
Another miracle of the program is that I am going back to Ames to be with my dad. And the big miralce is that he wants me there. Maybe its because he has a new puppy and needs me there, no thats not the case. I have prayed for years that God would restore my relatioinship with my dad. And it seems that is happening.
As you know I was going to move back to Eureka because I am no longer able to see my kids for at least a year I am told. But I am not going to run. I am going to stay in Ames so when my kids need me and when I am able to see them they will know I am near by. I know if I keep doing what I am doing God will keep doing what He is doing.
I am thankful to God this morning that I can spend time with my family and that healing is happening in my life. Some areas it is happening quickly and some areas it is happening slowly, but if I keep working the program and walking with Jesus things will keep getting better. That does not mean that pain will not come, because in my life pain equals growth.
Friday, November 29, 2013
A better way
As I go through this new life that the twelve steps and Jesus has given me I have had ups and downs. This road was never promised to be easy. I use to drink to hide my feelings and the pain of life. Today I have tools to get through the pain.
While being here in Alaska I have been able to go and do service work at meetings. The fellowship is a wonderful thing. Today I don't have to react to negative things by responding badly. Not that I do this all the time, but the more I live the program the better my life is.
A few more weeks and I will be back on Ames Iowa, hopefully I will have grown a little bit.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Knee jerk reaction
Sitting here stuck in a snow bank waiting for my brother to pull me out. Another piece of humble pie. Good lesson not to park to close to snow bank.
It will be one week tomorrow since I have been here in Alaska. Its been fun and crazy. The house is full of life, some times to much life for me.
I have had a chance to really be in prayer the last few days. My old reaction to problems is to run from them. So at the time when I got that letter it sounded like a good idea to move back to Eureka. But that is old behavior. What I need to do is go back to Ames so I am there when I can see my kids. I know I am a flake, and if some want to think that well that's ok.
So after visiting here I am going back to Ames. My knee jerk reaction was just that, a knee jerk reaction.
I guess this is all in the growth process. I am sure not perfect yet!
Sunday, November 24, 2013
I have been told many times that pain equals growth. I believe that to be true, but it's a hard and sometimes a lonely road. Trying to clear the wreckage of the past is becoming very hard. I feel sometimes just giving up. But I am going to continue to keep walking.
I am confused what the right move is for me. I am struggling with depression pretty hard right now, but I am going to keep walking!
Thursday, November 21, 2013
He is strong
Life has been crazy! It is great being here in Alaska! I am still trying to put my mind around the little note I got from my ex. And still trying to figure out what God's will is for me. My first reaction was to just run back to Eureka, but is that the answer? Some times in life there is not a clear answer what the right thing is.
Feeling tired and still hurting a little bit from my surgery. When I am weak He is strong.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Being all things to all people, WHAT?
19 Even though I am a free man with no master, I have become a slave to all people to bring many to Christ. 20 When I was with the Jews, I lived like a Jew to bring the Jews to Christ. When I was with those who follow the Jewish law, I too lived under that law. Even though I am not subject to the law, I did this so I could bring to Christ those who are under the law. 21 When I am with the Gentiles who do not follow the Jewish law,[d] I too live apart from that law so I can bring them to Christ. But I do not ignore the law of God; I obey the law of Christ.
22 When I am with those who are weak, I share their weakness, for I want to bring the weak to Christ. Yes, I try to find common ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some. 23 I do everything to spread the Good News and share in its blessings.
24 Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! 25 All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. 26 So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing. 27 I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified. 1 Corninthians 9:19-27)
Sunday, November 17, 2013
One of the best thing that happened here in Iowa that I have been able to get to know my dad better. Through the twelve steps I truly forgave my dad. I am so thankful for him. He helped me out a lot and when I had surgery I could not have done it with out him. He has gone above and beyound. It is hard leaving him, but the bond between us has become strong and I an sure he will visit and I will to! Thanks dad for being there for me in this time. Love you dad.
Curve Ball
Some times in life we get a curve ball. It does not all ways go the way you had planned. Back in the summer I struggled very hard with leaving a place o loved to go back to Iowa and be closer with my kids. After much prayer I decided to go closer to my kids.
Through my drinking I had hurt my family in many ways. I was able to only see my kids twice since my health went to hell! For some reason my ex wife has decided I can't see my kids for a year. No reason given so I don't know what I did. The way the divorce decree is written she can do this. I trusted her when she said I will never keep the kids from u. When I revived this short letter last week I was devastated. My thought is who the hell is this woman.
I have decided that for now I can't afford and my health can't handle a fight. And I don't want to put the kids through all of this. So I am moving back to Eureka. After my trip to Alaska I am going to California. I know that a lot of people will agree or disagree with me and that's fine. I have to do first of all what's going to keep me sober. And second what I think the right thing to do is. All I know I am still sober today and it looks pretty good I will make it tomorrow. Know one said this sobriety road would be easy, but I would rather have a bad day sober than a good day drunk any day.
I will sire be visiting Iowa again since my dad is here and the kids are here too. With God al things are possible.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Good Report
Doctor visit went well. No cancer and I get to go to see all the Alaska Eaches! I leave a week from today!
It is easy to have great news but then focus on the one bad thing of the day! Still don't have the acceptance thing down as well as I would like! But, I am going to keep walking!
Trusting in HIM
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Baby Steps
Last Sunday marked my 14th month of being sober. The most sobriety time I had to this point was 18 months, but I was not working any program and I was pretty much off the hook. I was white knuckleing it. But I was full of resentments and anger. For me it was not until I went to AA and worked the steps that I have found true sobriety. I stopped trying to stop drinking for every one else and am know doing it for my self. I was told many times if I really wanted to stop I would and I did not have enough faith in Jesus. Once in AA I realized that I was sick, and my medicine was AA. So for me today I need AA and I need Jesus.
Life has been hard since I have been sober, but I can do through any thing and not drink. I am in trouble if I don't work the program of AA and don't work the program of Jesus!
Thursday, November 7, 2013
More will be revealed!
Finding out more about my surgery I had last Monday. The doc never really talked to me but he talked to my dad. I asked dad last night all that went on in my surgery, well the biggest thing that he told me is that they had to take a biopsy of something and had to send it out to make sure it is not cancer. He is not sure what it was they had to biopsy. So I will find out on the 12th when I have my postop appointment. The surgery was longer than they thought it would be and the doc told my dad I will be struggling with the pain for a few weeks. This has been the most painful thing I have ever gone through. Monday and Tuesday were pretty good days. And then yesterday and today the pain has been pretty bad.
Just an update for u all and it u pray please pray for me. God is teaching me something, trying to figure out what! All I can do today is keep on keeping on!
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Have we forgot how to be thankful?
The Bible says give thanks in every thing. The fellowship has taught me to be grateful and even in the worst of times there is all ways something to be grateful for!
It seems that America wants to skip the thankful holiday and go right to Christmas. Christmas music is all ready playing. I think we need to all ways be thankful, but lets forget the holiday that we call Thanksgiving. We need that in America because we do a lot of complaining, so Thanksgiving is a good time to stop and be thankful.
I am grateful and thankful for: God, my sobriety, and my family. I am all so grateful and thankful that I have diabetes because I have to rely on God, thankful for all my health problems because when I am weak HE is strong.
So let's be thankful and grateful in all things!!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Diabetic awareness month
November is diabetic awareness month. We all probably know someone that has diabetes. Especially type two. Type two you get when you are older and many times you can reverse type two by diet and exercise and by loosing a few pounds. Usually if u have type to u can take a pill and not insulin. They know that type two is genetic. Both of my brother's have type two diabetes. Its a hard road to be on.
Now I am the lucky one in the family to have type one diabetes. I got diagnosed at age 14. I have had some major stuggles through the years. My junior high and high school years were pretty good. I played sports and was very active. In my early 20s I started getting really sick and throwing up. Finally I Found my self in Mayo Clinic in Minnesota in 2007 where I was diagnosed with gastroparesis. That is where your food does not digest properly and you end up really sickens throwing up. At one point I had feeding tubes. I all so struggle with depression and I am recovering alcoholic and have been sober since September 3 2012. That sure did not help my diabetes. It seems that I am all ways sick with some thing and diabetes is a huge struggle. Bit today I am going to my diabetic doctor and doing the best I can. I get down about having diabetes, but I press on. On Monday o had a hernia surgery and of course my sugars took a hit. But I keep on getting up and trying to live life one day at a time. I try to encourage others to keep on keeping on.
So what can we do this month? Well first gives diabetic a break. Over the past 20s years i have seen society change there attitude towards diabetics. Especially towards type two, but people are hard on us ones to. Just be helpful and not critical.
Second you can donate to the American Diabetes Association or other diabetic groups.
Third do some thing crazy to spread awareness. Like o am growing out my beard this month and when some one asks me why I am doing it I will tell them.
If I are in your 30s ans beyond do every thing you can not to get it!
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Gratitude in the midst of pain
It's been a hard week physically for me and for some of my friends! My surgery was not planned, which is a good thing because if I knew how hard this surgery was to recover from and I had time to think about I would of tried to get out of it. But they knew I needed surgery any I needed it right away. I did not know that u could have such a bad hernia that they had to do an emergency hernia survey. What I mean by that is I went to the doctor at 3 and was on the table by 7pm. I told them that I had eaten that day, but that did not change there mind. This is probably the worst pain I have been in. I just hope it will be better so I can go to Alaska.
But even with all the pain and feeling like crap God is still good. I a very blessed first of all I get to do this sober. Secound I am blessed by having my dad here for most of the week. I would not have been even able to get off the couch some days if it was not for him. Third I have been blessed by all the encouraging phone calls and visits. Especially when one of my visitors brought me pizza! Even through the pain I can be grateful!
By the way I am going to be laid up for a few more days and I love visitors and phone calls :-)