Monday, October 7, 2013

Pastor to the Pastor less

What does that mean? Good question but for the past few months during my time of prayer I feel the Holy Spirit telling me that. No I am not going to start a church. I in my onion am no pastor in the sense we have today. It is more being there to those who are broken hearted and don’t feel like they can be at a church yet. To minister to those who seem to be the outcast of society and the “Christian” society. Being a pastor is really not about the title, its about action. How can I reach out to those who need Jesus as much as I do even if they are doing things that I don’t all ways agree with?
So, the last few weeks I have been just reaching out to people in Love. Listening to those who hurt. And being the best Jesus man that I can be. I will probably never fit the mold we have today what a pastor looks like. But I belive I have those spiritual gifts and I have had a calling for a long time. But for me being a pastor does not fit the pretty little box we have at church. It is to be there for the outcast, well the kind of people Jesus ministered to.
If that makes any sense than that is good. I am still trying to figure it out myself!

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