It's been all most a week since I blogged last. I was on a roll there for awhile blogging almost every day. Life is good today because I don't have to drink for any reason any more! And that my friends is a great thing.
Life can be good even thou I am having some struggles. Off and on for a couple of years I have been struggling with pain on my right side and in my groaning area. Had it checked out a few times and I just concluded it was my diabetic stomach issue that I have had for years, well last week problems started again. So I went to my doctor on Saturday and after checking me she thought I had a prostate infection. So she gave me some antibiotics and some other meds and sent me on my way. She all so did a blood test to make sure it was not cancer, and it's not. By Monday the pain was very bad. So I went back to her.My doctor decided to check me for a hernia and it was a lower hernia and I think I have had it for awhile. So I went ti see the surgeon and was on the table by seven. I guess the hernia was worst then they thought. I Spent the night in the hospital and got out Monday at noon. I guess it's a slow recovery. When your diabetic and have surgery I guess your blood sugars hit the roof. So I got no sleep Monday night, but the blood sugars are better. This surgery and the hernia has been the worst pain I have every gone through. My appointment with my sergan is on the 12 and the nurse told me that I will be having pain at least until then. I am thankful that my dad had been off he has been helping me out a lot. The hardest thing is laying down and then trying to get up.
I was supposed to see my kids this weekend, but I can't make it. I am suppose to fly out for Alaska on the 19th to see my mom and my brother and his family. Hoping I will be able to still go.
It seems like I have been sick a lot again. On Sunday I will have 14 months sober. Some times in recovery u think that u won't be sick and everyone will trust and accept you. But that's not all ways the case. I probably will be struggling with my health the rest of my life. What I am trying to do is to keep a good attitude and all ways try to remember that God is in full control. Selfpity is easy to to get into, but the more I focus in the good it is easier not to go there.
And the other thing I am working in this week is this, it's not my job to care what others think of me. I worry that people think I fake some of my sickness, but my sponser says that is not for me to worry about!
Any way there's where I am at today. Writting this blog on my phone while on the couch. Have a great day
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
My crazy week
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Born Again
After searching all these years
And the man that I saw
He wasnt at all who I thought hed be
And I was broken beyond repair
Then You came along
And You sang Your song over me
It feels like I'm living
For the very first time
For the very first time in my life
Reassure my heart somehow
That the love that I feel
Is so much more real than anything
And I pray that Im not wrong
That the life I have now
Is only the beginning
It feel like I'm living
For the very first time
For the very first time
(It feels like I'm born again)
It feels like I'm moving
(It feels like I'm living)
For the very first time
(For the very first time)
For the very first time
(For the very first time)
Than what I had yesterday
Then You came to me and You gave to me
Life and a love that I never known, that I never felt before
(Feels like I'm born again)
It feel like I'm living
(It feel like I'm living)
For the very first time
(For the very first time)
Im living for the first time
(For the very first time)
(It feels like I'm born again)
It feels like I'm moving
(It feels like I'm living)
For the very first time
(For the very first time)
Im living for the first time
(For the very first time)
In my life
Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group, BUG MUSIC, EMI Music Publishing, Warner/Chappell Music, Inc.
The Grove Cafe
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Riding the Fence
When I was a youth pastor I would tell my students not to be riding the fence, because that fence is a bardwire fence. I told tell them with all the passion I could muster up that they need to fully follow Jesus with all they got or they may slip and fall.
I was remained of this last night at Bible study while the Holy Spirit was convicting me of me riding the fence. I did not think it was very nice of the Holy Spirit to use my own words from like 8 years ago to convict me, just saying. We are studying first Corinthians in the men's Bible study.
I am at a cross roads with my faith in Jesus. I am growing in Him more than I think I have ever. But in my heart there's things that I am having a hard time giving up. And those things are talked about in Chapters five and six. And if I follow the path that Jesus wants me to go many will think I am crazy.
As I was sitting there hurt and shame flooded over me. We started talking about church discipline and all that fun stuff. I have been kicked out of some church's, and that has left some hurt. But I have done some bad stuff, but I need to remember that is all in the past.
So the question is this, do I want to please people or God. The answer is I want to please God. In earlier sobriety, I know I am still in earlier sobriety, but I did things that I knew were wrong in my heart. I am not doing these things now, but the struggle within is still there.
The positive is that I am aware of these things now and I can let God work these things out. I am not a fan of being single, but instead of me trying to make some thing happen, I am going to try, key word try and wait on God.
I am so glad God forgives me, but true repentance is not doing the sin again. I get to lead the Bible study on chapter six on Monday. An area hat I have confessed and now need to do it Gods way.
Oh if u want to know what I am talking about read the passage.
And at the end of the day God has used all that has happened in my life to help ne be more of a Jesus man.
Monday, October 21, 2013
R.I.P Rudy
When I was sad here at home alone Rudy would come and sit by me. And when I was really sick in bed he would lay in my room.
We are going to miss you and your laud bark to inform us that some one is here. We love you and are going to miss you Mr. Rudy!
Sunday, October 20, 2013
BUT GOD..........
Saturday, October 19, 2013
The Peoples Coach

Wednesday, October 16, 2013
It works it you work it!
I don't all ways live this program %100, but the key is am I willing to change when God shows me something I need to work on. And for the most part I am. Except for the times I am not :-)
I still some times have a mouth like a sailor and God knows I still have my charter defects, but I am going to keep doing the AA way of life!
Quotes About Carpe Diem
So I thought it would be fun to put some quotes from people about this idea of Carpe Diem
Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”
― Mother Teresa
The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”
― Eleanor Roosevelt
“I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it.”
― Groucho Marx, The Essential Groucho: Writings For By And About Groucho Marx
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Matthew 6:34”
― Jesus, Holy Bible: King James Version
“The future starts today, not tomorrow.”
― John Paul II
Don't count the days, make the days count.”
― Muhammad Ali
“Live a good life. In the end it is not the years in a life, but the life in the years.”
― Abraham Lincoln
“When you kill time, remember that it has no resurrection.”
― A.W. Tozer
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Acceptance is one of the hardest things for me to do. Being sober does not mean that every one and every thing does what I want. I am in a period in my life that I really don't like, but I still have to accept the things I can not change. Some where in the last couple of weeks I have forgotten that this thing is one day at a time. And to keep it simple stupid! I have an ego that wants every one to like me and be the super hero that saves the day. Today I need to focus on me and take it easy! 13 months of being sober is bit going to fix all the wrongs I did for many years!
Back ti the basics I go. I just won't fucking drink today!
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Sometimes all we can do is wait for the Lord. That goes against my idea that I all ways need to do something. Patience has never been a strong point. But sometimes I can do every thing I am supposed to do and then I need to just wait in on the Lord
I just finished finished reading Genesis and you see in that book that some of them had to wait and wait.
Do you ever think you have to be perfect to be used by God? If so I encourage you to read the book of Genesis.
This is what I observed from this book. We know Adam and Eve screwed up, they disobeyed God. Noah saved those who were in the ark and then he got drunk. But God still uses them.
Have u ever struggled with the God thing and in your mind wrestled with him, you are not alone.
In Genesis 32 Jacob literally wrestled with God. God would rather Havana be honest with Him than try to be fake. Genesis shows us from the beginning people failed but He still loved them and used them.
In all my struggles in life whether it be my health, my depression or my alcoholism God still wants to use me. God has not called the perfect but the willing. The church today would have u think u have to be perfect, if that was the case not many in Genesis would of been used by God.
Today I am going to keep walking, what about you?
Monday, October 7, 2013
Pastor to the Pastor less
Eore, Chicken Little and Tigger
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Pastor Appreaction month
October is Pastor Appreaction month. We should not just do this once a year, but it's a good reminder that we need to encourage them. They have a hard job. We putmany expectations on them that should not all ways be there. We expect them to be perfect. They are human like the rest of us. They are called the be Shepards and to equip the saints to be more like Jesus. Maybe the best thing we can do this month is thank them and to just give them a break. Not expecting them to be perfect.
I am thankful to all the pastors I have had in my life and the pastors who have hung in there with me at my worst. You know who u are :-)