Thursday, May 14, 2015

What are we doing part two

My point that the American Church is in trouble keeps on getting clearer to me. Sadly many of the famous pastors and preachers here in America are watering down the Bible or just plainly leaving the truth of the Bible all together. Paul warned of this in the letters he wrote to Timothy and it seems it is clearly what we are living out here in America. Truth of the Bible has come to, it really does not mean that. WHAT?? It seems it's more important to fill our church's then to preach the truth. We are afraid if we preach the truth then people will not come to church. Should that really be the goal of church anyway? Did Jesus say go fill your church building anyway you can? No He did not. He told us to make disciples.

It is important that we do not follow a person. The only person we should follow is Jesus and our guide needs to be the Bible. We need to read the Bible ourselves and know it well so when people we follow or listen to go astray we don't. We need to be careful who we follow. It seems that most Christians put up with false or bad teaching. It seems that is a sin that's o.k. But let a pastor or preacher sin in other ways like, adultery, drunkenness, homosexuality, ect,  we don't give them a second chance even after they have repented of there sin and turned from there sin.

The Bible is full of people who have sinned and then when they repented and turned from there sin God still used them. It's time that we call sin, sin. But when people repent we need to restore them even restore them back to ministry.

It's time we take false teaching seriously! It's time we make the main thing the main thing which is Jesus Christ. We are now in a battle for truth not from outside the church but from within. It makes us feel good to hear that God loves us, which is true. But God is love and just! There is consequences and penalty for sin. I have sinned a lot in my life and I am forgiven but I am still living out the consequences of my sin. A little poison in a glass of milk will kill you! !

Thank you for reading my ramblings today!

Keep Walking!

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