Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Crazy few weeks

The last few weeks have been pretty crazy for me! Life kind of slowed down for every one around here since we get hit by a snow storm. But I went to Chicago to try out for a t.v. program which was pretty fun and crazy. My health seems to be getting better. I still have the feeding tube but I am not using it right now. I am able to eat for now. Which is GREAT! I have been going through the 12 steps again with my sponsor. Finding out some stuff about myself that I have not worked on. As it seems to come up, I really would like to go back to Eureka, but God has me here for now. Not going any where until I can get my feeding tube out.

I grew up with the thought that you had to go to church to be a good Christian or spiritual. I have had that in my thinking for a long time. But I have realized that yes Church is good. But if I put anything above my recovery I am in trouble. Even if I put my kids before it I run into trouble. Yes I moved here to be closer to then and God knows I have tried to see them as much as I can. But I let not seeing them effect me to much.

Expiations, is another big one for me. Expiations I put on others and those that others put on me. I have to realize that those around me are doing the best that they can. And I am doing the best that I can. I was accused by someone that I don't even really know that I have pity parties about my health and not seeing the kids. Kids, probably but not my health. I work hard on not feeling sorry for myself. There are days I do. But life is what life is. Sometimes it is going to suck. I was told once that pain equals growth. I do believe that but boy its not all ways easy.

Keep Walking....